CBS Gene Upregulations: Key Points

As you’ll begin to see, there’s so much to understand about how the CBS gene upregulations can potentially effect your health, especially if you have a neuro-immune illness, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chemical sensitivity, cardiovascular problems, Autism, or another disorder that may be impacted by methylation.

It can be difficult to keep it all straight.  So I’ve outlined some of the key points from my reading to make it easier for myself and hopefully for you too.

The genes involved are:

  • CBS C699T
  • CBS A360A
  • CBS N212N

The impact can vary dramatically depending on whether you have a single copy or double copy of the gene and which gene is expressed.  For example, the impact of C699T is said to be much stronger than that of CBS A360A.

Following are my key points, which I plan to add to from time to time.  When I do, I’ll add a note at the beginning of the article indicating it’s been updated.

CBS Upregulations – when expressed – may lead to:

  • Increased taurine and decreased gluthathione, the latter being one of the most important antioxidants in the body.  This can also lead to lower levels of homocysteine, cysteine and cysthione.
  • Excess ammonia, which wastes BH4.  This can lead to mast cell granulation and increase histamine levels.  BH4 is needed to make dopamine, serotonin, and nitric oxide so there are additional knock-on effects when these neurotransmitters are low.
  • Increased alpha-keoglutamate leading to excitotoxicity, which can cause nerve damage.
  • Increase hydrogen sulfide, which can lead to brain fog.
  • Excess sulfur breakdown products:  sulfites and sulfates.  Excess sulfites can be toxic.  Excess sulfates can stimulate the stress/cortisol response also knows as the “flight or fight” response.
  • The G6PHD enzyme system may be affected leading to abormalities in sugar control.

I found all of this to be very illuminating in relation to my own health, explaining what had been a mystery for many years.

To understand the full picture, please read:

  • Chapter 6 of Dr. Amy Yasko’s free book, Autism Pathways to Recovery – You can download this 300+ page book for free on her home page where it says Free Articles.
  • This section on on the Heartfixer blog, specifically on the potential impacts of CBS upregulatons.

Remember, I’m not a doctor.  Please discuss these issues with your healthcare provider before taking any specific steps.

I would love to hear any thoughts you have on the topic.  Please share in the comments.  Warmly, Sandra


CBS Gene Mutations and Mast Cell Degranulation

I’ve had a chronic, mild elevation of serum tryptase, a marker for mast cell activation, for more than 5 years.  It may be a sign of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, in which serum tryptase is generally normal until there’s a triggering episode or slightly elevated like this.

Thanks to the DNA Methylation Pathway with Methylation Pathways Analysis test, which identifies genetic mutations on this critical biochemical pathway, I now understand one possible reason for this elevation.

Mutations on the Methylation Pathyway

The biochemical process of methylation, which takes place in our bodies millions of times each day, is consider the backbone of our physiology.  One of the best explanations of methylation has been offered by Dr. Young on his Methyl Cycle NutriGenomis page.  According to Dr. Young, methylation will be of special interest to those with certain chronic illnesses.  He says:

“…individuals harboring Methyl Cycle Defects are going to get sick, before their time, likely with conditions that make little sense such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, or they will present early in life with what used to be diseases seen only in “old people”: – coronary disease, cardiomyopathy, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia.”

There are many different methyl cycle mutations, and it all depends on whether the mutations are expressed or not.  But, if you have chronic illnesses like the ones above, there’s a good chance they are.  And, the good news is that you might be able to workaround the mutations, and recover some degree of your health.

The CBS Gene and the Mast Cell Connection

CBS C699T and/or A360A up regulations are two that can especially play havoc in your body.  In fact, CBS mutations as well as SUOX and NOS mutations must be addressed before you can effectively address any other methyl cycle mutations.

While there are several different adverse impacts of these CBS up regulations, one is the accumulation of excess ammonia.  The increased ammonia depletes BH4, which may lead to mast cell degranulation and excess histamine.  Bingo!

It looks like this might explain my chronic elevation of serum tryptase, and slightly leaky mast cells, which keep me in a state of mild allergy-like response.  Does the CBS polymorphism explain Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?  That’s difficult to say as there may be other factors involved as well.  We’ll have to wait until research discovers a definitive answer to that question.

Managing CBS Up Regulations

A low protein diet constitutes a key antidote to the CBS up regulations because protein contains significant amounts of ammonia adding to your already burdened system.  Some doctor’s restrict animal protein entirely.  Other doctors advise you to limit animal protein to no more than 3 ounces a day, and to sprinkle it with yucca root, which decreases the amount of ammonia your body will absorb.  There are other important elements to the CBS protocol, but the restriction of dietary protein appears to be of utmost importance.

I’ve restricted animal protein for 5 days now.  The difference is like night and day.  I’ve felt a noticeable improvement in my energy, muscles and joints, and the whole feel of my body.  I look forward to continuing on a no animal protein diet (or eating very little), and observing whether further changes occur.

Have you tried a low protein diet?  Has it helped you?